Hey you! Grab a coffee or maybe even a chai latte—fitting for my story—and get cozy.

I’m taking you on a journey that changed my life forever.

Imagine this: Twelve years ago, I wasn’t the Anja with her own hair salon in Berlin Mitte that you know today. I was “just” Anja, a Hairdresser & Make-Up Artist working as a freelancer for hairdressing trainings, seminars, and music & video productions, relatively new to Berlin.

A stylist with a drive to do more with my life, see the world, and even make a little difference. Do you know that tingling feeling when you just know there’s more out there? That’s exactly what I had!

It all started on a regular evening in Prenzlauer Berg. I met Monique Müller for a drink. We were chatting about this and that, and suddenly she told me about this project called “Shaping Futures.” My ears perked up! A collaboration between Schwarzkopf and SOS Children’s Villages, where hairdressers travel to India to teach disadvantaged youth the craft of hairdressing? That was it! My heart did somersaults.

Sure, I was nervous. India is not exactly around the corner, and being there alone… whew! But you know what? Sometimes you just have to jump. And that’s exactly what I did.
The first days in Delhi were absolute madness. Picture the biggest, loudest, most colorful, and chaotic market you’ve ever seen—multiply that by ten, and you have an idea of Chandni Chowk. Right in the middle of this hustle and bustle, I met Monique again. Believe me, after a week alone in Delhi, I was so glad to see a familiar face!

Every morning, we were greeted by our students with a bright “Good Morning Madam.” These kids—my goodness! They really blew me away. I thought I was coming as a teacher, but in reality? They taught me just as much.
You know, teenagers are the same everywhere in the world. They love their phones, hate homework, and can be incredibly loud. But these young people? They often had stories that would break your heart. There was this boy, not even 18, with several kids at home. For him, everything depended on this course. Can you imagine carrying such responsibility at 18?

But let me tell you something: The moment when a young person successfully creates a perfect perm for the first time or designs an amazing updo—priceless! The joy in their eyes, the growing self-confidence—that’s worth every minute. I still remember a girl who was so shy at first that she barely said a word. By the end of the course, she proudly presented her work in front of the whole group. I had tears in my eyes, I was so proud! The language barrier was bridged with a translator from Hindi to English, or with hands and feet. So much is possible.

When we said our goodbyes, tears flowed. Not just from them, but from me too! Those two weeks changed me forever. I’m more grateful for the opportunities I have here. And you know what? It showed me that our craft really can change lives. It’s not just about beautiful hair—it’s about dignity, self-confidence, and the chance for a better life.

Now, twelve years later, I’m sitting here in my own salon in Berlin Mitte. But a part of my heart? It’s still in India, with those wonderful young people. Every time in September, when I want to take a step but have a thousand doubts or worries, I think about how much power there is in our craft.

So, my dear, the next time you’re sitting in my chair and I’m cutting your hair, remember: You’re not just supporting me, but also the dream that everyone deserves a chance. No matter where in the world.

And hey, if you want to know more about “Shaping Futures” or just chat about my adventures over a drink—I’m here. Maybe my story will even inspire you to embark on your own adventure?

In that sense: Let’s beautify the world strand by strand, and maybe make it a little better too!

I’m Anja, your Hairdresser in Berlin Mitte 💇‍♀️✨